YouthAlert! (YA!) Child and Youth Peace Education Program Kentucky
"Survive & Thrive" Skills Training for Children and Youth
A Universal Violence Prevention Education Curriculum
Sample Units: Bullying, Self-Harm, Child Abuse, Peer Violence, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Gang Violence, School Violence
"YouthAlert! (YA!) U.S.A. has been successfully implementing their Violence and Bullying Prevention Program in our middle and high school Health Education classes in Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) for the past two academic years (2014-2016)."
"I serve JCPS in the Curriculum Management Department. In my role with Health Education, I have observed their presentations and concur with the teachers and students on their "two thumbs up" approval. The students appreciate the face paced, media approach that respects them personally and accurately addresses the real life issues they confront daily." Donna Benton, Practical Living Specialist, June 2016
One Day Program for Elementary Schools
Two Day Program Per Semester for Middle Schools
Three Day Program Per Semester for High Schools
Starting at $500
Out-of-School Time (OST)/After School
One Day, One to Six-Hour Programs Available Starting at $250
One to Six-Hours Live/Real-Time Program Starting at $100
Ninety Program Units with Lesson Plans
Available Individually Starting at $100

YouthAlert! (YA!) U.S.A. receiving a resolution from the Kentucky Education Commissioner and Kentucky State Education School Board Chair,
Frankfort, KY, December 5, 2012