YouthAlert! (YA!) U.S.A. at the
United Nations
"World Peace Through "Youth Peace" Advocacy and Education
YouthAlert! (YA!) U.S.A. - Win The War! Against Violence, on July 27, 2017 was granted Special Consultative Status to the United Nations (U.N.) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Consultative Status provides NGOs with access
to not only ECOSOC, but also to its many subsidiary bodies, to the various human rights mechanisms of the United Nations, ad-hoc processes on small arms, as well as special events organized by the President of the General Assembly.
The 19 countries in the U.N. ECOSOC Committee on NGO's that gave their recommendation were: Azerbaijan, Burundi, China, Cuba, Greece, Guinea, India, Iran, Israel, Mauritania, Nicaragua,
Pakistan, Russian Federation, South Africa, Sudan, Turkey, United States of America, Uruguay and Venezuela (Bolivarian Rep.). 54 U.N. Member States on the United Nations Economic and Social Council adopted the Committee's draft decision.
"We take note of the valuable work that you and your organization are doing, including through your “Youth Peace” campaign. The United Nations greatly values the work of organizations committed to the values of peace. Your advocacy on the prevention of conflict and violence, including your initiatives in the field of education, help to raise awareness among youth and motivate them to strive for the world we all aspire to." "We are grateful for the
contribution your organization has made and hope that you will
continue your work to inspire youth to pursue peace and non-violence." Maher Nasser, Director, Outreach Division, Department of Global Communications, United Nations, January 24, 2023
“I am glad you are taking good advantage of the consultative status.” Acting Chief, NGO Branch Office of Intergovernmental Support and Coordination for Sustainable Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, February 19, 2019
“excellent work” Asia-Pacific Division, Department of Political Affairs, United Nations, August 22, 2019
“I take this opportunity to commend you for the work your organization is doing youth violence prevention.” Njanja Fassu, Senior Political Affairs Officer, Peacebuilding Support Office, United Nations, April 4, 2017
“Thank you for the work you do.” U.S. U.N. Ambassador Nikki R. Haley, December 11, 2017
YouthAlert! (YA!) U.S.A. - Win The War! Against Violence, has Special Consultative Status to the United Nation’s (U.N.) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
YouthAlert! (YA!) U.S.A. advocates for "Youth Peace" to all 193 U.N. Member States. Successful getting "youth peace" initiatives passed in the U.N. General Assembly, including the "Rights of the Child" resolution.
YouthAlert! (YA!) U.S.A. with U.S. U.N. Ambassdor Nikki R. Haley at the United Nations, December 11, 2017
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